finding enough time in the day can be tough. developing healthy habits shouldn't be.

simply. sends obtainable nutrition tips directly to your phone daily.


how it works

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find simply available for download under "simply. nutrition tips" in the Apple App Store or Google Play.

create an account

sign up for simply and create your account. select the time of day you want to receive your daily simply tip.


get tip

apply what you learn to everyday life, and get healthy. watch how a simple, obtainable, daily health tip can change your life.


about simply.

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simply is not a diet or weight loss program. our focus is on teaching people how to be healthy by providing them with the nutrition information they need to make healthy lifestyle choices. users receive obtainable, daily, health tips which they incorporate into their lives. in an effort to make our younger generations healthy, simply donates a percentage of all monthly subscription fees to nutrition programs benefitting children around the world.

our vision

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The foundation of simply is based on how our founder got healthy. as a certified nutritionist, holistic health coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and accredited yoga instructor, she has spent over a decade learning about nutrition. through many different sources and applying that knowledge to everyday life, our founder realized the key to being healthy and living a sustainable lifestyle is really about understanding the basics. simply teaches users the things they need to know to live a healthy lifestyle for life.